Source: lib/map-loader.js

'use strict';

 * @module async-google-maps/map-loader

var URL_PREFIX = '//',
    CALLBACK_IDENTIFIER = 'mapLoaded',


global[CALLBACK_IDENTIFIER] = function mapLoaded() {

function buildUrl(options) {
    return URL_PREFIX
        + '?v=' + options.version
        + '&key=' + options.key
        + '&callback=' + CALLBACK_IDENTIFIER;

function createDeferredToAllowForResolutionAfterGoogleMapsLoaderFinishes(resolve, reject) {
    mapLoadedDeferred = {
        resolve: resolve,
        reject: reject

function createMapLoadedPromise() {
    mapLoadedPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        createDeferredToAllowForResolutionAfterGoogleMapsLoaderFinishes(resolve, reject);

function appendScriptOnDocumentReady(scriptEl) {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

function injectGoogleMapsScript(options) {
    var scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
    scriptEl.src = buildUrl(options);
    scriptEl.type = 'text/javascript';


function init() {


module.exports = {
     * Asynchronously loads the google maps javascript library, given the supplied options.
     * Returns a promise that will be resolved once the google maps loader has finished.
     * Once the promise resolves, it is safe to reference anything under the `google.maps` namespace.
     * This method should only be called once for a given application.
     * @param {Object} options - The configuration used to load the google maps API
     * @param {string} options.version - The version of the google maps API to load
     * @param {string} options.key - The API key of the consuming application
     * @returns {Promise}
     * */
    load: function loadGoogleMapsAsync(options) {

        return mapLoadedPromise;

     * @property {Promise} loaded - A reference to a promise that is resolved once the google maps API is ready.
    loaded: (function () {
        return mapLoadedPromise;

     * Creates a map instance given the supplied options. The options will be passed into the `google.maps.Map` constructor,
     * therefore, all options from the [google maps api]( can be used.
     * This function returns a promise which will be resolved once the newly created map instance is in the `idle` state,
     * which is the point at which overlays, markers, and geometries can be added to the map.
     * @param mapContainer - The element to attach the map instance to
     * @param options - Options passed to the google Map constructor
     * @returns {Promise}
     * */
    create: function createMap(mapContainer, options) {
        return new Promise(function mapIdleResolver(resolve) {
            mapLoadedPromise.then(function whenMapHasLoaded() {
                var googleMaps = require('./google-maps-shim.js'),
                    mapInstance = new googleMaps.maps.Map(mapContainer, options);

                googleMaps.maps.event.addListenerOnce(mapInstance, 'idle', function mapIdleHandler() {